Hi people, if you happen to be viewing this, please take note of the important dates.
- firstly, 22Feb is Health Checkup! those who still have not handed in your health booklet, pls hand in ASAP please. thank you. Also, please remember to bring your P.E. attire on that day even though we have P.E. on that day... T T
- then, next monday is also our bio test, chapter 2 and 20 on cells and molecular genetics. Please study for it. OK?
- also, most importantly, there is this workshop calles that STUDENTS STUDY WORKSHOP which is on 24Feb (wed) and you're supposed to take note on the things to bring.
here's what you MUST bring.
the venue is at AVA and the duration is from 8am to 4pm. (wow... what a long day...)
and then, we are strongly encouraged to have a GOOD night sleep the day before because the activity is going to be very vigorous and intensive. so, people, please sleep early.
DO NOT leave any valuables in the classroom when you go for this workshop because the people who are using the ava will be using our classroom.
that's all and here are the homework for this weekend.
- EW
- chinese (ex) time prac about racism
- History (assertion)
- Literature (unit three in the thick thick worksheet photocopied...)
what else?
sorry, to geog, econs, malay lit, higher MT people, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT's your homework... so can someone please help to update this as soon as possible?